A company’s worth to society at large is not only measured by its financial accomplishments, but also by how it contributes to the community by making a difference. For the Kawar Group, this means supporting local and global charities, protecting our environment, and creating programs that give children and teenagers a new outlook on life and work.
As an example, the Kawar Group was one of the first Jordanian companies to adopt a school as part of the (Aisha Um Almu’mineen) INJAZ program, which provides students from rural areas with entrepreneurial skills and leadership training. Some of these students are then given valuable internship opportunities at Kawar to prepare them for the working world.
With a strong belief in the continuous improvement of the standard of living of Jordanians and with a great appreciation to the teachers of and their profession that shapes the future of our beloved country. Kawar Group has contributed towards the Hashemite generous endowment to build housing units for teachers.
Furthermore and still with more focus on education Kawar Group has donated a computer lad fully equipped with the latest technologies at the University of Jordan-IT department. Moreover, Kawar Group has been involved with King’s Academy with sponsorships to students.
And as Kawar Group continues to be visible as a sponsor to major events that place Jordan on the world’s map such as the World Economic Forum and the ICT Forum, the Group still allocate more funds to support NGO’s and charities whose activities truly make a difference in people’s life.